Wednesday, October 29, 2014

feeling moody

Hey friends! It's been a super long time since I've posted. At this point it's really just for myself but in case you happen to be interested...!

Here's a moodboard I created for a new project I'm working on. I'm thinking some kind of mixed media paintings or a zine, or both. Details need to be sorted out but this is the direction I'm heading in.

thanks all for now! thanks for stopping by.

xo gabrielle

Friday, April 5, 2013

typographie: the process

A while ago, I helped out my friend Elizabeth with designing a blog header and Etsy store banner. She wanted an image of a vintage typewriter, lots of florals and hand lettering.

I did most of the drawing by hand, with good old fashioned pencil and paper. That's what I feel most comfortable using. I ended up drawing it quite large! Then I scanned the images and photoshopped the pieces together (photoshop is a verb, right?)

Since the banners were wide I had to edit the size of the typewriter, and I also enlarged the flowers so they spanned the whole width. Then I using my handy dandy wacom tablet to color it all in... et voilà! Elizabeth has a new banner that suits her flowery vintage style.

This was super fun to work on with Elizabeth, and I'm looking forward to working with her sister, next!

xoxo, gabrielle

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

vogue salon

A logo design that was in progress for most of last year was for Vogue Salon in my hometown of Nanuet, NY. I've actually been getting my haircuts there by John, the owner, since I was 12. We decided to barter logos for haircuts, and this was the result!

It has been really great getting to see the final logo on their business cards and window sign. It's now one of the most prominent signs on Main Street, and it still surprises me when I happen to drive past it.

Stay tuned for more projects in the coming days... I'm starting to get back in to freelancing and can't wait to share what I've been working on!

xoxo, gabrielle

Saturday, February 9, 2013

a special valentine's menu

another one of my gigs recently has been providing taiim cellar with promotion materials for their facebook page. since my boy works there, it's easy for us to work together on this ongoing project.

i took more pictures of their special valentine's week menu, and added some colorful elements to make the menu really pop.

the best part about this job, though, was eating all the food after the shoot! i also got to try their specialty cocktails (liquid baklava, anyone? YUM!) and have a glass a few glasses of wine to boot. it was, let's say... fun!

xoxo, g

Friday, February 8, 2013

mood boards

it seems like "mood boards" are all the rage these days. it's actually a really good idea to gather your inspiration for an upcoming project in one place, rather than having all those good ideas floating around in your head! you can then show your mood board to a client or friend to see if you are in the right direction, before starting on the design process. i want to start incorporating mood boards into my routine... it seems like it will keep me focused and help me remember where i gathered my inspiration from.

i am working on a new project with a friend of mine. i decided it would be a good idea to share a mood board with her to be on the same page with our ideas & designs, before we started the design process. what i love about these designs are the positive and negative spaces working well together and the strong text with curly accents. what do you think?

xoxo, g

all images from pinterest

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

bits & pieces

here are some bits and pieces of my days... i just got a new lens for my camera so i'm super excited to be taking more pictures and then sharing little pieces of my life with you!

1. bought myself roses to cure a bad day
2. my crazy cat, pierre.
3. making lots of tea these days to get through this winter
4. little paintings on wooden pins
5. a falafel sandwich and red wine on a sunday afternoon

i hope you enjoyed this peek into my life.

xo, g

Monday, January 21, 2013

taiim cellar

yesterday i had the opportunity to take some photos for a local newspaper for the opening of taiim cellar! it's a new middle-eastern wine bar a few towns over from where i live. it's very beautiful inside, but the food is even better!

after i took pictures, i ate a great meal consisting of feta beet salad, masabacha hummus with fresh pita, a falafel sandwich and a big glass of red wine.

if you are in the area, i would highly suggest it!

xo, g

Thursday, January 17, 2013


part of the reason i left this blog over a year ago was because i felt disconnected from my art & i couldn't appreciate anything that i made. it discouraged me, so i stopped creating. i kept telling myself i was going through an "artist's block" and that it would pass...

over the summer, my sweet boy, brian, brought me a fresh bouquet of wild flowers from the farmer's market. besides the fact that there was no special occasion, it really resonated with me in a different way. i can't explain the feeling, but i suddenly felt so inspired by these flowers that i felt the need to do something about it. i needed to capture their colors & life. so i painted.

i spent the whole afternoon & evening infront of the still life i set up; sketching, painting, and studying the colors, patterns, & designs. finally, i was happy with the end result... and that was the encouragement i needed to keep going!

so thank you, brian, for that first bouquet of flowers that helped me out of my creative rut... & thanks, pierre, for being the cutest photo prop :)

now let me ask you, where do you find inspiration? what gets you out of an artist's block?

xo, g

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

interview with typographie vintage

so... it's been a while since i've been on this blog. i miss it & have thought about starting up again. i think what has given me that motivation is the fact that i am actually creating new art for myself. it's been a struggle since graduating college, but i feel like i have found my "niche," or whatever... i want to create and i want to share it with you again!

recently i collaborated with my friend elizabeth, from typographie vintage. she asked me to create a new banner for her blog, and i happily agreed! she also interviewed me about my art and process... you can read it over here!

i will share more pictures of my process at a later time, but i did want to stop in and say hello!

xo, g

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

a goodbye of sorts

hello there,

so... this is going to be my last post on this good old blog, at least for a while...

i've been in quite the 'creative block' rut for a long time now. it's been hard for me to create things that i'm proud of since graduating from school, which is almost 2 years now.

however, moving to a new town has been great for my inspiration. having a clean slate to start over with will be good for me, and hopefully my art. my new town has really resonated with me in such a way that suddenly everything that was happening started to make sense, and i finally feel ready and confident to start my own artistic adventure

my new blog is going to be called 'oh september' and it will feature a lot of my own drawings, photos and thoughts. and since tomorrow is my birthday, i hope to have it up and ready by then! (although, i'm without internet, so who knows...)

i already have tons of ideas that i would love to share with you and i hope that you'll continue to follow me on my new journey!


on another note, i spontaneously responded to leah goren's callout for an intern, since i could use a little studio experience while getting back in to screen printing.

the job would entail block printing cats on fabric for her super cute cat dress that she sells on etsy. i'm really excited to meet her and start making cute things!

so yeah, stayed tuned for 'oh september' and my cat dress adventure!


Monday, September 12, 2011

it's a good thing for great design

it's been a long weekend... i've been really busy setting up my new apartment, which i moved into last weekend.

so far i absolutely LOVE it! although, last night i didn't sleep a wink because my mind was racing about all fix-me-up-DIY projects i have in mind!

it's a terrible thing, wanting to create everything you can't love but afford... (re: anthropologie*)

anyways, it's a good thing for great design. clothing company a.p.c. is now making it super easy to shop exactly what you're looking for. beautifully organized by color & style, this layout is perfect for the online shopper that just realized it's already the middle of september, and last season's autumn clothes just aren't cutting it... oh!... moi?

what are you waiting for! take a look. your eyes will thank you. wallet, not so much...

also, please stay tuned this week (my birthday week!) for the 'unveiling' of my new blog! i'm really trying to take this little bloggie to the next level. i can't wait to show you!


Friday, August 19, 2011

seeing double

happy friday! i'm excited it's the end of the week, as always.

this week started off pretty sour... monday night i fainted and bumped {slammed} my face into a doorway so i've been recuperating with lots of ice and advil. thankfully i'm feeling much better, but it was really scary, so i'm trying to take it easy now.

this week i've also been working on drawing more realistic faces, which always turns into self portraits. no matter how hard i try i can only draw myself. so here are 2 self portraits from my sketchbook.

i should also note that these were scanned with my brand new all-in-one printer! i'm extremely happy with the scanner part, which is mainly the reason i splurged on such a nice one. so look out for more original works! i think having a scanner is definitely going to encourage me to draw more and rework things i've already done! :)

have a lovely weekend!
