From Babyjewlz... a charming bicycle ring, that doubles as a locket and opens up to insert a photo.

From Simplethrift... a vintage quilted bag with a chain strap.

And to match the bag... a pair of vintage cutout oxfords from the Bag Basement

From Lulu Bug Jewelry... adorable avocado felted necklace.

From Tilly Bloom... anatomical charm bracelet. When will my organ-phase end? Or is it only getting bigger?

And while we are on the subject of anatomy... a ribcage necklace to match, from Run Wild Horses.

A tiny vintage suitcase from Tree and Kimball Market. This would be perfect for carrying all my extraneous art supplies.

Since this is supposed to be an art blog I should also include some prints. This is an awesome ferris wheel print by Gallerie de Illumina.

And finally, a cute birdnest print by Golly Bard.

What kind of things do you lust over on Etsy?
NEWSFLASH! Christina Hendricks (aka the hot Joan Holloway from Mad Men) modeling this scarf on Etsy. Wonder how that happened...
From Black Bird Design House

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