Thursday, October 21, 2010

{inspired by} dia de los muertos

Hello there! I apologize for the sporadic posts that don't follow much of a schedule, but right now things are busy and I am just trying to keep up with life in general.

I also can't believe how fast time is passing. Some days still feel like the end of summer, but then I remember that Halloween is just around the corner! And speaking of which...

I was truly inspired by John Rees'  "Dia de los Muertos," a beautiful collection of photos portraying women dressed as Catrinas, elegant skeletons that are often associated with the Mexican holiday Day of the Dead, or Dia de los Muertos. I was in such awe after seeing these photos; I hope you can appreciate them too!

I'm at a bit of a loss right now in terms of Halloween plans, but if I happen to find something to do, I definitely want to be a Catrina!!!

What are you going to be for Halloween? I want to know!



Green Tea and Cupcakes said...

Those pictures are beautiful. I have a murder mystery party to go to for Halloween, should be fun.

Katrina said...

Catrinas?! !! - Katrina