Wednesday, June 16, 2010

what i wore

Searching websites like Tumblr and Flickr has made me become aware of trends and challenges circulating in the art world.

First there is 365 Days where you take a picture every day for a year, and then there is Katrina who does a daily book review video post on YouTube almost everyday... and finally there is What I Wore Today, a Flickr group to post drawings of yourself in your daily outfits. Although usually I have a "thing" with people who take pictures of themselves everyday in what they wear, I am doing this because I like to draw and I am trying to work on my illustrations. I am hoping that this challenge can help me with creating my own drawing style.

So starting now (technically 2 days ago) I will be posting drawings of myself in my outfits... I am excited because it will force me to do at least one drawing a day and I will not have to worry about what to draw... and hopefully I will be more conscious of what kind of outfits I put together.

I took a look at the Flickr group already and here are some other people's drawings that I really like. I will post the ones I've completed soon.

{via Flickr}


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