Friday, May 6, 2011

quarter-life crisis

Happy Friday! Phew, it was a long week... at least it was partly sunny and kind of spring-like. But seriously, where is the spring? Hopefully this weekend will bring some sunshine!

I'm having a bit of a mini quarter-life crisis recently. I'm in a rut where I have a full time job that takes up most of my time... but while I'm at work I can only think of things that I want to do and make. And when I come home I'm way too tired to do anything! But there's also some annoying freelance projects still lingering that need to go away. There's too little time in the day to do everything!

Maybe I put too much pressure on myself, but I can't help it! I become very overwhelmed with the ideas I have.

I need to relax this weekend, write a decent to-do list (without rewriting it every time I cross something off!), and plan out a good strategy.

Does anyone know of any helpful resources for artists, illustrators and/or Etsy sellers? It would be much appreciated!!!

What kind of things do you do regularly to help you stay on track?


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